Sunday, June 3, 2012

going in a bit of nature......

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Call it a traditional human dominance or anything..i try to see the natural side in this pic, the greenary but always end up looking at the human interference all over the nature. Like the field there. The place is some what rural but still the land in the background, we can see the interference. At present time, everywhere in this earth, humans have dominated all over, showing there not needed presence. who knows what is there in future. Shall the life of all of us end? Shall the human civilization as a whole be swept away by an even better group of species. Who knows? whats there for us. Is there any god. since everywhere God is worshipped in one form to another. But i think the humans have already left a big mark of their existence over the earth since their early days. But as the humans have eveolved throughout these years, they have negatively affected the mother nature. For our every need is fulfilled by the nature so we should know to respect and protect it.

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