Monday, June 4, 2012

"Oh, you look nervous. Is it the scars? You want to know how I got 'em?"
talking about the movie "The Dark Knight". its like one of my best movies. i have watched it more than 60 times i think and still I don't get bothered to watch this movie in any of the time. the only movies i have watched like this are "Fightclub" and "Shawshank Redemption". I am a great Nolan fan. i have almost watched all of the Nolan movies, others including Inception, memento, prestige, insomnia and so on. He is a great director who knows how much of suspense is needed in the movie which is good than Quentin Tarintino, who adds a total suspense that i think even he gets gets confused where the story plot is going. but QT is also a great director with movies like Resorvior dogs Pulp fiction, kill bill series to his name, which are more than enough cause all of the mention movies have left a terrible mark in the Hollywood and QT cannot be replaced.
Back to Nolan, who didnt had a great start like QT, has shown his great potential in the suspense and thriller  movies. "The dark knight" was his second movie in batman franchise and it was the most awesome superhero movie ever made till date and it still is. Recently, "The Avengers" took the position of the highest grossing superhero movie, it was certain because of the huge group of superheros and bunch of highly paid actors in the movie. having the highest grossing doesn't makes the avengers a great movie as "TDK". i watched it, and it was good but no way near to compare with "TDK".
In June 20, "The Dark Knight Rises" is releasing worldwide. And i am waiting for this movie since i saw its trailer when i was watching the final part "Harry porter and the deathly hallows" last year in QFX cinemas, Civil mall. As Nolan says, and i greatly hope that this movie is better than the earlier one, but i don't think no one can ever match the level that The Joker have made in Dark Knight.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

going in a bit of nature......

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Call it a traditional human dominance or anything..i try to see the natural side in this pic, the greenary but always end up looking at the human interference all over the nature. Like the field there. The place is some what rural but still the land in the background, we can see the interference. At present time, everywhere in this earth, humans have dominated all over, showing there not needed presence. who knows what is there in future. Shall the life of all of us end? Shall the human civilization as a whole be swept away by an even better group of species. Who knows? whats there for us. Is there any god. since everywhere God is worshipped in one form to another. But i think the humans have already left a big mark of their existence over the earth since their early days. But as the humans have eveolved throughout these years, they have negatively affected the mother nature. For our every need is fulfilled by the nature so we should know to respect and protect it.